July 7- Los Altos Polystyrene Container Ban Now in Effect

The City of Los Altos celebrated more than just Independence this weekend, as their ban on expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam containers went into effect this 4th of July, 2014.

The ordinance, adopted on January 28th and made effective on July 4th, strictly prohibits the use of EPS food containers, as well as coolers and ice chests by any establishment, vendor, business, organization, group, or individual offering prepared food and beverages, regardless of charge. The ordinance provides assistance with financial hardship due to the changes, and makes certain unique packaging exemptions, such as pre-packaged food.

Three cheers for Los Altos for taking big steps to reduce single-use plastic consumption and pollution.


Learn more about polystyrene pollution, and see the full list of local ordinances.

Lanh Nguyen