July 30 - Monterey County Approves Bag Ban Introduction

Monterey County is one step closer to being plastic bag free in all retail stores!

Yesterday the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the introduction of an ordinance banning single-use plastic bags, and placing a ten cent minimum charge on each paper or reusable bag for customers who don't bring in their own bags and need one.

The ban, once approved and formally adopted at an August 26 hearing, would be effective in unincorporated areas only.

Monterey County provides some of the best views of the Pacific coastline in the state, and two of its cities, Monterey and Carmel, have already adopted plastic bag bans to help keep it that way. See the full list of California local bag bans.

However, plastic bags don't stay within boundary lines, and a statewide solution is needed:

Support SB 270 and tell your Assembly Member to do the same. The bill will be heard in an Assembly committee by August 15, and must pass both houses by August 31.

Lanh Nguyen