Aug 14 - CA Bag Bill Passes Crucial Committee, Heads for a Floor Battle

Today's vote was a big win for the state bag bill, but a debate and discussion on the Assembly Floor is next.

SB 270 passed the Assembly Appropriations committee this afternoon and now heads to the Floor for a full vote. The deadline to pass both houses is August 31.

To date, 116 cities and counties with a third of our state's population have recognized the environmental and economic costs of plastic bag pollution, and adopted a local bag ordinance. But the rest of our state still needs a solution.

If you haven't already, take action here and share it with your friends. It just takes a few seconds to let your legislator know you support a statewide bag ban and urge them to not fall for the plastic bag industry's lies.

Please also take the opportunity to thank the committee chair, Assembly Member Gatto, and other committee members who voted "YES" today. Email them all at once through an online form, or contact them separately:

• Assembly Member Shirley Weber, (916) 319-2079,
• Assembly Member Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, (916) 319-2054,
• Assembly Member Bill Quirk, (916) 319-2020,
• Assembly Member Richard Pan, (916) 319-2009,
• Assembly Member Chris Holden, (916) 319-2041,
• Assembly Member Jimmy Gomez, (916) 319-2051,
• Assembly Member Mike Gatto, (916) 319-2043,
• Assembly Member Nora Campos, (916) 319-2027,
• Assembly Member Ian Calderon, (916) 319-2057,
• Assembly Member Steven Bradford, (916) 319-2062,
• Assembly Member Raul Bocanegra, (916) 319-2039,

Stay tuned on our website for updates on a floor vote. Thank you for your support of this bill and our work on plastic bag pollution over the years. Together, we can make this happen.

Individuals like you are the key to Recycling's success. Please support our work
Lanh Nguyen