Aug 21 - Local Bag Bans Jump to 120, State Bag Bill Vote Approaches

In the final month of the California legislative session, at least six new local bag bans have been adopted so far, bringing the total up to 120, while the state proposal, SB 270, could be voted on within the next few days.

Pleasant Hill, Calistoga, and Napa City all adopted local bag bans during the first week of August, while Greenfield adopted its ordinance on August 12. The City of Marina gave final approval to its local bag ban this past Tuesday, and Pacific Grove adopted the newest bag ban just yesterday evening.

Meanwhile, other local governments are poised to follow. Seaside, Monterey County, St. Helena, Encinitas, and Soledad have all approved introductions of their bag bans and are one step away from adoption in the next few weeks.

At the same time, the battle for a statewide solution continues to heat up in Sacramento.

As noted by CAW's Executive Director, Mark Murray, during a debate on Capitol Public Radio's Insight segment this morning, local governments are already taking action against plastic bag pollution and its costs. The remaining single-use plastic grocery bags will be gone by this decade...the question is whether this will be through a patchwork of local policies, or under one statewide measure.

Read our latest report on the impact of local bag bans.

It's not too late! Take action and tell your Assembly to vote YES on SB 270.

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Lanh Nguyen