Sept 15 - Santa Monica Bag Ban, 3 Years Later and Working Well

Local bag bans continue to report plastic bag reductions and smooth operations, even years after the first day of implementation.

The City of Santa Monica passed a local plastic bag ban with a 10 cent charge on paper bags in 2011. This month marks the 3 year anniversary of its enforcement.

The City reportedly told media, "We've reduced the amount of plastic bags by 78 million plastic bags since our ordinance went into effect."

Since 2011, only 98 complaints were filed, and none of the 1,871 stores covered have requested a hardship exemption. The city has issued 162 warnings and only 2 citations.

As part of its implementation, the City purchased 44,000 reusable bags to give out to residents. Green Vets LA, which trains and employs veterans to make a variety of products, made these bags.

At least 127 cities or counties have a local bag ban. Other local governments, including LA County, San Jose, San Francisco, and Alameda County are also reporting similarly reduced amounts of plastic bags under their ordinances.

SB 270, a statewide bag bill, is currently awaiting the Governor's action. Take 30 seconds and ask him to sign the bill into law.


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Lanh Nguyen