Sept 18- Just 12 Days Left to Sign the Bag Ban

With no real argument left to make against SB 270, and with the possibility that Governor Brown will sign the bill into law within the next 12 days, the plastic bag industry is on the offensive.

The bag industry and its supporters have already spent millions on lobbying and campaign contributions, and are spending more each day with the help of conservative bloggers, editorials, and talk radio to turn public opinion against the plastic bag ban.


"There’s still time for Gov. Jerry Brown to make good on his self-image as an ornery voice of reason and veto the bag-ban bill."
-OC Register Editorial

But the experiences of over 125 cities or counties already covered by local bans prove that bag bans work.

Please write to the Governor and urge him to sign the bill into law! TAKE ACTION NOW.

We can defend against the false and misleading campaign waged by the plastic bag industry with a principled and fact based message of our own: Banning plastic bags statewide is good for the environment, good for the economy, and good for California.

Help us present all the facts in the media and in the court of public opinion so that Governor Brown really will make good on his image as an ornery voice of reason - by signing the bag ban into law.

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Lanh Nguyen