Oct 1 - Plastics Industry Filed Referendum to Overturn the California Bag Ban

Yesterday we shared the exciting news: Governor Brown signed the Bag Ban, making California the first state in the nation to do so. This will eliminate 13 billion non-degradable plastic bags that pollute our land and water--GONE!

But before the ink even dried, Plastic Bag Manufacturers filed a referendum to repeal the law.

While we were hoping to be celebrating this society-changing victory, we can't rest on our laurels.

The Plastic Bag Industry has contracted with a paid signature-gathering firm to put this referendum on the November 2016 ballot, and they have 90 days to do it.

The public has demonstrated support for eliminating plastic bags in the 127 communities that have already adopted local bag bans. But if the Plastic Bag Manufacturers succeed in gathering 505,000 valid signatures in the next 90 days, that will automatically postpone implementation of the Bag Ban until November 2016! That means more than 20 billion more plastic grocery bags polluting our environment and $300 million in unnecessary grocery costs to pay for plastic bags that get used for 15 minutes, but persist in the environment for decades.

Over the next 90 days, we will be countering their efforts--but we will need everyone to pitch in. Here's what we need from you: Pledge to volunteer for the Stand Up to Plastic campaign in your community.


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Lanh Nguyen