Oct 22 - FTC Notifies Bag Companies to Remove Unbacked Biodegradable Claims

The Federal Trade Commission continues to target false environmental claims for "degradable" plastics in the market.

Most recently, it sent out letters to 15 undisclosed plastic bag manufacturers who are advertising their products as "oxobiodegradable", "oxodegradable", or "biodegradable." Last year the agency notified other companies who wrongfully claimed additives would accelerate the breakdown process of their products.

Unless the bag manufacturing companies have verified scientific evidence that these products will completely break down within a year, as specified under the FTC Green Guides, they must remove the claims.

According to media reports, Jessica Rich, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection, stated,

"If marketers don’t have reliable scientific evidence for their claims, they shouldn’t make them. Claims that products are environmentally friendly influence buyers, so it’s important they be accurate."

Learn more about false end-of-life claims, and CAW's campaign to prevent this type of greenwashing.

File a complaint for a deceptive environmental claim with the FTC.

Lanh Nguyen