Nov 17 - Outside Money Attempts to Challenge Widespread Public Support of CA’s New Plastic Bag Ban

plastic bag
A new piece in the San Francisco Chronicle is highlighting the efforts of out-of-state plastic bag manufacturers to buy their way into California’s democratic processes. Plastic bag manufacturers in general have contributed $2.7 million into the campaign to overturn SB 270. Strikingly, a significant majority of that money, a whopping $1.7 million so far, comes from one manufacturer alone: Hilex Poly, which is located out of state in South Carolina.
Hilex Poly would like to continue selling plastic bags in California, but in funding the campaign against our new bag ban, they are opposing the express wishes of the citizens of California. A recent poll from USC and the LA Times shows that 60% of voters support the bag ban.
CAW is committed to defending SB 270 and respecting California’s democratic process. And we can use your help! Here’s how you can get involved:
  • Volunteer for the Stand Up To Plastic Campaign here.
  • Report Signature Gatherers in Your Area here.
Lanh Nguyen