Dec 3 - Campbell Bans Polystyrene Foam Foodware

Yesterday evening, the Campbell City Council adopted the latest local ordinance restricting expanded polystyrene foam (EPS) foodware containers.

The ordinance goes into effect in food service establishments and other food service providers within City limits on June 1, 2015.

Plastic food containers are one of the top ten items found during the annual coastal cleanup. EPS is hard to manage and clean up due to its lightweight quality, especially after it has become brittle and broken up into smaller, non-biodegradable pieces. It is also not cost-effective to recycle EPS, particularly if the material has been contaminated with food. Learn more about the issue.

See the list of local EPS ordinances in California.

Earlier this year, California banned single-use plastic bags statewide under SB 270. CAW and other environmental groups may now attempt to reduce other common types of single-use plastic pollution in the 2015-2016 legislative session.

Lanh Nguyen