Jan 3 - "Farm to Fork to Farm"

The Sacramento Bee recently highlighted the efforts of a local nonprofit, ReSoil Sacramento, that picks up food scraps from restaurants and delivers them to local farms for composting - what's more, they collect the food on their bike!

ReSoil picks up food scraps from 18 local restaurants, including Hot Italian, Sun and Soil, and Selland’s Market Cafe. ReSoil recently passed the 60,850-pound mark for its scrap pickup, with zero-emission.

Three days a week, ReSoil staff haul 32-gallon composting bins that they’ve picked up at restaurants, using custom-made trailers.

Not only does this endeavor help turn food waste into valuable compost materials, research has shown that composting can help soil sequester carbon and improve soil fertility and water retention. A recent UC Berkeley study showed that even a one-time dusting of compost substantially boosted the soil’s carbon storage, and the effect has persisted over six years.

CA will be seeing more commercial food waste collection thanks to the passage of AB 1826 (Chesbro), a CAW-sponsored bill.

Read the whole story here.

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Lanh Nguyen