Jan 9 - Governor's Budget Signals Support for Healthy Soils

Governor Jerry Brown unveiled his spending plan today and it includes a commitment to protect and maintain healthy soils in California. According to the 2015-16 Governor’s Budget Summary:

Healthy Soils

As the leading agricultural state in the nation, it is important for California’s soils to be sustainable and resilient to climate change. Increased carbon in soils is responsible for numerous benefits including increased water holding capacity, increased crop yields and decreased sediment erosion. In the upcoming year, the Administration will work on several new initiatives to increase carbon in soil and establish long term goals for carbon levels in all California’s agricultural soils. CDFA will coordinate this initiative under its existing authority provided by the Environmental Farming Act.

In addition, the budget continues to invest cap-and-trade proceeds for recycling, composting recycled-content manufacturing and organic waste to energy projects, which CAW supports.

Healthy soil is important to CAW, and last year, we were able to successfully get two bills passed:

AB 1826 (Chesbro) - Requires businesses to ensure that their organic waste is recycled
AB 1594 (Williams) - Eliminates a loophole in state law that encourages local governments to landfill yard waste.

This year, we will continue our efforts to end landfilling of food waste and other organics through source reduction and composting so stay tune to see how you can help.


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Lanh Nguyen