Mar 20 - CA vs. Big Plastic Statement on Assemblymember Harper Bag Bills

SACRAMENTO - California vs. Big Plastic Spokesperson Mark Murray made the following statement after today’s Huntington Beach press conference focused on legislation authored by Assemblymember Matthew Harper (R-Huntington Beach) that would undo single-use plastic bag prohibitions that Californians support nearly 2-1, according to a USC/LA Times poll:


"Just like the industry-financed referendum, these bills will be defeated because Californians see the results coming out of 138 California cities and counties where plastic grocery bags have already been eliminated. Those communities are reporting less litter and waste, and consumers are experiencing cost savings because their grocery prices are no longer subsidizing throw-away plastic bags. Beach communities that have already banned plastic bags are finding 90 percent fewer plastic bags on their beaches.


"Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach, and Dana Point have successfully implemented local bans and eliminated more than 7 million plastic bags every month. But there are still more than 80 million plastic bags generated in Orange County every month, and the costs of their litter and waste will continue to be borne by Orange County residents until all plastic bags shopping bags are phased out in November 2016."


Los Angeles, San Jose, San Francisco, Monterey, Los Angeles County and 134 other cities and counties have already enacted local bans, and San Diego and Sacramento recently announced upcoming votes to implement their own local bans. In total, over ten million Californians are covered by local bans and are saving money every time they shop with a reusable bag.


In Monterey and Santa Cruz, beach cleanup volunteers are finding 90 percent fewer plastic bags on their beaches. Los Angeles County’s ban has reduced single-use plastic distribution by 264 million bags each year. San Francisco had an 18 percent reduction in street litter. San Jose is saving millions tax payer dollars every year in cleanup costs.

California vs. Big Plastic is a coalition of environmental groups, grocers and the communities they serve opposed to the Referendum on SB 270. For more information, visit and follow us on Twitter @CAvsBigPlastic.

Lanh Nguyen