Local Government Collaborative

CAWF invites you to join our Local Government Collaborative project, aimed at further engaging California’s local governments on waste reduction and recycling policies. Membership in this program will allow your agency to participate in regular calls to discuss the status of priority legislation and regulatory action. We want your input on local/regional efforts and opportunities for engagement on a broad range of issues, including waste reduction goals, producer responsibility, plastics policy, recycling/composting incentives, GHG regulations and organics diversion.

Participating local governments will also receive e-mail updates and action alerts on key issues and will have ongoing access to CAWF staff as new issues arise. As a local agency, your longstanding interest and involvement in statewide waste reduction and recycling policy would be advanced through participation in the program and we look forward to your involvement.

Join here, call us at 916-443-5422, or email Nick Lapis to discuss how your agency can join the collaborative.