AB 478 (Ting)
Thermoform Minimum Recycled Content


AB 478 sets minimum recycled content requirements for plastic thermoform food containers (i.e. berry boxes & clamshell containers).


For several years, California has identified the need to address the ongoing problem of recyclable plastic not being recycled, and instead stacking up in warehouses, going to landfills, or being exported. 

California has established minimum recycled content requirements for plastic beverage containers, glass containers, rigid plastic packaging containers, newsprint, trash bags, and other products. However, California does not require the use of recycled content in plastic thermoform containers.


Position: Supported by Californians Against Waste
Contact: Mark Murray

PET Clamshell.jpg


AB 478 would require total thermoforms sold by a producer in the state to, on average, contain a minimum amount of recycled content:

  • From January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2026, no less than 10% post-consumer recycled plastic per year;

  • From January 1, 2027 through December 31, 2029, no less than 20% post-consumer recycled plastic per year; and,

  • On and after January 1, 2030, no less than 30% post-consumer recycled plastic per year.

Producers that do not meet the minimum recycled content requirements would be subject to fines.  This bill would authorize CalRecycle to conduct audits to ensure requirements are being met.

Status: Dead. Held by Senate Appropriations Committee.
Current language, analysis, and votes: AB 478