AB 1724 (Stone) Microfiber Filtration


AB 1724 will require all new washing machines sold in California to be equipped with microfiber filtration by 2024. The bill will also require the state to retrofit all state-owned washing machines with a microfiber filter.


Plastics can persist for hundreds or thousands of years because their molecular structure is inherently stable and resistant to biodegradation. Thus, more and more plastic ends up in our ecosystems. Microfibers are particles that comes from synthetic fabric. These microfibers end up in freshwater systems or in the ocean and are often found in tap water, bottled water, fish, table salt and beer.

A 2018 report on microplastics in drinking water found that 81% of the 159 tap water samples from around the world contained microplastics, mostly in the form of microfibers. Additionally, a recent study found that an average 11 pound wash load of polyester fabrics releases more than 6 million microfibers.

A microfiber filter can reduce the amount of microfibers released in a load of laundry by 87%. By requiring washing machines to be equipped with a microfiber filter, California can easily and effectively reduce the amount of microplastics that end up in our oceans and freshwater systems. The filters will also dramatically reduce the amount of microplastics that enter our water system through wastewater treatment facilities.


Position: Supported by Californians Against Waste
Contact: Nicole Kurian


To help reduce the amount of microfibers released in the ocean and freshwater systems, AB 1724 will address the problem at the source. The bill will require new washing machines sold after January 1, 2024 to have a microfiber filter and will require the state to retrofit all state-owned washing machines with a microfiber filter.

Status: Held
Current language, analysis, and votes:  AB 1724