AB 925 (Saldaña, 2009-10) - Bottle Caps

Requires bottle caps be attached to the container and be recyclable.

Position and Status
Support. This bill died with the close of the legislative session. Previously, the bill passed out of Sen EQ July 6 with a 4-2 vote, off the Assembly Floor May 4 with a 42-34 vote, and passed out of Asm NR April 20 with a 6-3 vote.

As more than half of all single use beverages in plastic containers being consumed outside of the home, these bottle caps can easily become part of the litter and waste stream.   Beach clean-up studies find that bottle caps are among most littered items.  AB 925 proposes to address this problem by requiring that the bottle caps remain connected to the bottle, more than 60% of which are currently recycled, thereby significantly reducing the waste, litter and threat to wildlife posed by discarded bottle caps.

CAW Staff Contacts.
Mark Murray (916) 443-5422


Assembly Member Lori Saldana
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814


Current Action.
Sample Support Letter

As You Sow Foundation
Californians Against Waste
California Coastkeeper
California League of Conservation Voters
Clean Water Action / Clean Water Fund
Green Sangha
Heal the Bay
Ocean Advocate
Natural Resources Defense Council
San Diego Coastkeeper
Santa Monica Baykeeper
Save the Bay
Seventh Generation Advisors
Sierra Club California
Urban Semillas

California Grocers Association
California Nevada Soft Drink Association
California Retailers Association
Grocery Manufacturers Association

Current Language, Analyses and Votes.