AB 827 (McCarty)—Customer Access to Recycling

Overview: Requires businesses to make composting and recycling bins accessible to customers at restaurants, malls, and other businesses.

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CAW Position: Sponsor

Status: Signed by Governor

In Context: A combination of SB 1383’s 75% organic waste diversion goal and China’s National Sword policy has created an environment where both business and environmental advocates must work together to find comprehensive and long term solutions.

In Context: For three decades, CalRecycle has been tasked with reducing disposal of municipal solid waste and promoting recycling in California through the IWMA. Under IWMA, the state has established a statewide 75 percent source reduction, recycling, and composting goal by 2020 and over the years the Legislature has enacted various laws relating to increasing the amount of waste that is diverted from landfills. According to CalRecycle’s State of Disposal and Recycling in California 2017 Update, 42.7 million tons of material were disposed into landfills in 2016.

Summary: This bill Requires commercial waste generators and organic waste generators that provide customers access to the business to provide customers, by July 1, 2020, with a commercial solid waste recycling bin or an organic waste recycling bin to collect materials purchased on the premises. This bill also requires the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) to develop model signage that the businesses may utilize in implementing these requirements.

Current language, analysis, and votes


  • Californians Against Waste (Sponsor)

  • Association of Compost Producers

  • Los Angeles County Solid Waste Management Committee/Integrated Waste Management Task Force

  • Recology

  • RecycleSmart

  • Republic Services, Inc.

  • RethinkWaste

CAW Staff Contact: Baani Behniwal, (916)443-5422