AB 822 (Levine, 2007-08) Bringing the Opportunity to Recycle to Every Californian

Provides a residential recycling opportunity for more than 7.1 million Californians residing in more than 2.4 million multifamily dwelling units.

Position and Status. 
CAW Supports. AB 822 has been placed on the senate inactive file. Previously, the bill passed out of   Sen. Environmental Quality June 23 with a 5-2 vote and passed out of the Assembly Floor with a 47-26 vote on January 22.

California as a whole currently diverts more than 50 percent of its generated waste, with only an estimated 15% of waste generated at multifamily dwellings being diverted.

While nearly 70 percent of Californians living in single family homes have access to curbside recycling, no more than 40 percent of those living in multifamily dwellings have access to a residential recycling opportunity-and many of those are unaware of it.

AB 822 will require that an owner of a multifamily dwelling to arrange appropriate recycling services for the dwelling on and after July 1, 2009. The bill is identical to the one CAW sponsored last year, AB 548, which was vetoed by the Governor.

CAW Staff Contacts.
Mark Murray (916) 443-5422

Current Actions.

No current actions for this bill.


Assembly Member Lloyd Levine
State Capitol

Sacramento, CA 95814



Californians Against Waste (Sponsor)
City and County of San Francisco Department of the Environment


California Apartment Association

Current Language, Analyses, Votes