AB 712 (de León, 2007-08) $0.50 Tipping Fee Increase

AB 712 would have added a temporary surcharge of $0.50 per ton to landfill tipping fees to provide a much needed mechanism to prevent and control air pollution emissions from off-road vehicles used in the solid waste and recycling industries.

Position and Status
CAW Supports. AB 712 was held in the Senate Appropriations Committee.

AB 712 will ensure that dedicated funds are available to immediately implement the new retrofit rule and will encourage operators to select more effective technologies for reducing particulate and other harmful emissions. The failure to implement this measure will result in the retrofitting of vehicles with less efficient technologies.

CAW Staff Contacts.
Scott Smithline (916) 443-5422

Allied Waste Industries
American Lung Association
Californians Against Waste
California League of Conservation Voters
Environmental Defense
Waste Management

California Refuse Removal Council
California State Association of Counties
Department of Finance
Kern County Board of Supervisors
League of California Cities
Los Angeles County
Solid Waste Management Committee/Integrated Waste Management Task Force
Regional Council of Rural Counties,
Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County

Current Language, Analyses and votes.