AB 48 (Saldaña, 2007-08) Toxic Electronics Phase Out

Phases out the use of specified hazardous materials in consumer electronics, consistent with European Union ROHs Directive.

Position and Status. 
CAW supports. AB 48 was vetoed by the Governor on October 13. Read the veto message here. AB 48 had passed Assembly Concurrence on Sept 12 with a vote of 44-33 and passed the full Senate with a vote of 22-16 on Sept 11. In 2008, similar language to this bill has been inserted and re-introduced as AB 218.

In 2003, the legislature adopted SB 20 (Sher), the E-waste Recycling Act, which included a provision establishing a phase out of the use of specified toxic materials in 'covered electronic devices' (CED's), effective January 1, 2007. CED's are currently limited to electronic devices containing a screen larger than 4 inches.

This measure would amend the definition of CED's to include virtually all consumer electronics. AB 48 does exclude fixed installation electrical, or mechanical or both electrical and mechanical devices, including electronic equipment in aeronautical and aerospace applications from the definition of "electronic device." The effective date of the phase out would be January 1, 2010. The proposed definition of CED's and toxic phase out provisions track the requirements ROHS Directive adopted in 2003 by the European Union. (View the ROHS Directive - pdf).

CAW Staff Contacts.
Mark Murray (916) 443-5422

Current Actions.

Thank you for all your letters of support!


Letters should be mailed and faxed to the Governor and cc'ed to CAW and the author:

Assembly Member Lori Saldaña 
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814


Californians Against Waste (Sponsor)
Alameda County Waste Management Authority (StopWaste.org)
Allied Waste Services 
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Board of Supervisors of Marin County
Mayor Bill Bogaard, City of Pasadena (read support letter)
Breast Cancer Fund
Californians for Alternatives to Toxics
California Association of Environmental Health Administrators
California League of Conservation Voters (read support letter)
California Product Stewardship Council (read support letter)
California Electronic Asset Recovery 
California Resource Recovery Association
City of Monterey, Department of Public Works
City of Oakland, Environmental Services Division
City of Santa Monica, Environmental Program Division
City/County of San Francisco Department of the Environment (read support letter)
Computer TakeBack Campaign (read support letter)
CR&R Incorporated
Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority
Enpo Recycling
Environmental Planning Consultants
Green Sangha
Hidden Resources
Marin County Hazardous and Solid Waste Management Joint Powers Authority
Mojave Desert & Mountain Recycling
Monterey Regional Waste Management District
Napa Recycling & Waste Services, LLC
Napa County, Department of Environmental Management
Natural Resources Defense Council
Northern California Recycling Association
Panasonic Corporation of North America
Planning and Conservation League (read support letter)
Sierra Club California
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
Solid Waste Association of North America
Sonoma County Waste Management Authority (read support letter)
Surfrider Foundation - San Diego Chapter
Sustainable Marin
Tri-CED Community Recycling
Waste Management

(Organizations in green have submitted letters to the Governor)



Current Language, Analyses and votes.