AB 298 (Brownley, 2011-12) - Single Use Bag Bill

AB 298 prohibits stores from distributing single-use carryout bags. Certain types of bags may be made available for consumer purchase.

Position and Status.
CAW Supports.

The bill was held in the Senate Approps committee at the end of the legislative session and is no longer active. Previously it passed Senate Environmental Quality Committee on 7/2 5-2, the Assembly Floor on 4/28, 49-25, the Assembly Natural Resources Committee on 3/21, and the Assembly Appropriations Committee on 4/6.

AB 298 will prohibit stores from distributing single-use carryout bags. Reusable bags, paper bags, and compostable bags (in some jurisdictions) can be made available for sale. The bill also requires stores to provide plastic bag recycling collection bins and creates a reusable bag certification program.

CAW Staff Contacts.

Mark Murray (916) 443-5422
Sue Vang


Assembly Member Julia Brownley 
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814



Additional Information.

Current Language, Analyses and Votes.

Take action and send a support letter.

Californians Against Waste (co-sponsor)
Environment California (co-sponsor)
Heal the Bay (co-sponsor)
CA Coastkeeper Alliance
Canyonland Conservation Fund
City and County of San Francisco Dept. of the Environment
Clean Water Action
Center for Oceanic Awareness Research & Education
Earthwise Bag Company, Inc.
Humboldt Waste Management Authority
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
Los Angeles County IWM Task Force
Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
Save Our Shores
Seventh Generation Advisors
Sierra Nevada Alliance
Surfrider Foundation
