AB 2670 (Chesbro, 2011-12) and AB 1634 (Chesbro, 2011-12) - Food Scrap and Yard Trimming Composting and Digestion

AB 2670 and AB 1634 present a package of policies that will drive the recycling of yard trimming and food scraps, not only resulting in a reduction of pollution and greenhouse gases, but also creating jobs and supporting a burgeoning industry.

Position and Status.

CAW Supports.

AB 2670 and AB 1634 are no longer active.


Returning organic materials to soils drastically reduces the
environmental impacts of landfills, reduces greenhouse gases, creates
jobs, and helps sustain California's agricultural industry.

Despite California's robust recycling infrastructure for traditional
recyclables, the state continues to landfill organic materials, such as
yard trimmings and food scraps, at an alarming rate. In fact, food is
the most prevalent item in our waste stream and a third of the material
going to landfills is readily compostable

It doesn't have to be this way. With strong policy leadership and
a shift away from laws that incentivize the landfilling of this
valuable material, California can become a leader in the recycling of

AB 2670 would:

  • Get rid of disincentives for recycling organics, such as a state law that virtually subsidizes the use of this material as landfill cover.
  • Require businesses that generate a lot of food scraps or yard debris to sign up for recycling of this material.
  • Create an infrastructure of locations where the public can take yard trimmings they generate.

AB 1634 would require businesses that generate a lot of food scraps or yard debris to sign up for recycling of this material.

CAW Staff Contacts.

Nick Lapis (916) 443-5422