AB 2505 (Brownley, 2007-08) PVC Packaging Phase Out

The bill will prevent human and environmental exposure to toxins, as well as encourage the recycling of consumer packaging, by phasing out the use of toxic, nonrecyclable PVC packaging.

Position and Status
CAW Supports. AB 2505 was held by Senate Appropriations committee. Previously the bill passed out of Sen. E.Q. committee June 23 with a 5-2 vote, passed off the Assembly floor May 28 with a 42-33 vote, passed out of Assembly Appropriations committee May 22 with a 12-5 vote, and passed out of the Asm. Environmental Safety & Toxic Materials committee on April 15 with a 5-2 vote.

PVC packaging is a human health and an environmental threat. PVC packaging is toxic in all stages of its lifecycle. PVC production involves large amounts of dangerous chlorine gas, as well as vinyl chloride, a dangerous carcinogen. PVC production is responsible for at least one superfund site in California and studies have linked it with high cancer rates. In the home, PVC packaging can leach its many toxins through contact with the mouth, and may also shed these particles into the air to be inhaled. These include phthalates, which mimic human hormones and cause abnormal growth and heavy metals such as Lead and Cadmium, which cause brain damage in very small amounts. Once disposed, PVC packaging is not recycled. In fact, PVC packaging is a potent and expensive contaminant in the recycling streams of other, nontoxic plastic packaging, preventing municipalities from recycling more. When landfilled or littered PVC packaging leaches its toxins into the surrounding toxins. Recognizing the dangers these leached toxins pose to wildlife, the California Ocean Protection Council, an organization created by Governor Schwarzenegger, called for the banning of vinyl chloride packaging. AB 2505 would phase out the use of PVC consumer packaging beginning 2013 and concluding 2015.

CAW Staff Contacts.
Bryan Early ph 916-443-5422, fx 916-443-3912

Current Actions.
No current actions on this bill.

Assembly Member Julia Brownley 
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814.



"Bill Would Ban PVC Packaging" Ventura County Star (7/17)
"Banning PVC Packaging" California Assembly Video (4/23)
"Legislators Reconvene To Face Budget Woes, Leftover Issues" Associated Press (1/7) 

Californians Against Waste (Sponsor)
Advocates for Environmental Human Rights
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
Breast Cancer Fund
Center for Environmental Health
Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ)
City and County of San Francisco Department of Environment
City of Oakland
Clean Water Action
Environment California
Environmental Health Fund
Grass Roots Recycling Network
Global PET Recycling
Glynn Environmental Coalition
Heal the Bay
Healthy Child Healthy World
Making Our Milk Safe (MOMS)
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
Sierra Club

American Chemistry Council
American Electronics Association (Removed Opposition)
Architectural Plastics, Inc.
California Business Properties Association
California Chamber of Commerce
California Film Extruder and Converters Association
California Grocers Association
California Manufacturers and Technology Association
California League of Food Processors (Removed Opposition)
California Restaurant Association
California Retailers Association (Removed Opposition)
Carson Manufacturing Company
Chemistry Industry council of California
Clorox (Removed Opposition)
Composite Corporation
Consumer Specialty Products Association
Industrial Environmental Association
George Fischer Piping Systems
MGM Plastics, Inc.
PVC Tech Corp
Toy Industry Association
Western States Petroleum Association  

Current Language, Analyses and Votes.

Additional Resources.