AB 2296 (Montañez, 2005-06) Landfill Post Closure Financial Assurance

This measure will require the CIWMB to study the potential long term threats to the environment from landfills as well as various financial assurance mechanisms that would protect the state from liabiltiy associated with those lonig term threats.

AB 2296 was signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger September 27, 2006.

The CIWMB currently requires landfill operators to provide financial assurance to the state that the operator will be able to close the landfill and maintain the landfill for at least 30 years after closure. The law only requires assurances for routine maintenance type activities, and does not address replacement of major equipment if necessary, or corrective action in the event of a catastrophic failure.

AB 2296 is the first step in addressing the shortcomings in current law. It will require operators to provide assurances for replacement and repair of environmental control systems. It also requires the Board to study the potential long term threats landfills pose to the environment.

CAW Staff Contacts
Scott Smithline (916) 443-5422


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