AB 2211 (Karnette, 2005-06) Solid Waste Cleanup - Support

Expands funding opportunities for local governments to clean up illegally disposed waste, including waste dumped in municipal sewer systems.

AB 2211 was signed by the Governor on September 29, 2006.

Illegal dumping is a perennial problem in our state, costing the state millions of dollars in economic, environmental, and aesthetic impacts. While most of the time we think of garbage dumps being an inland problem, increasingly, illegally disposed waste from our urban areas is ending up in our rivers and oceans. City storm sewers have become both a conduit for pollution, as well as unintended waste "catches." The Board’s illegal disposal site cleanup program provides technical and economic support to local governments who are either unable to afford cleanup, or do not have the technical expertise to handle cleanups in a timely manner. AB 2211 would formally expand the program to include activities to remove or abate solid waste that was illegally dumped into a municipal storm sewer system.

CAW Staff Contacts.
Scott Smithline (916) 443-5422