AB 2139 (Chesbro, 2009-10) Product Stewardship Framework

Summary: Requires producers of covered products to participate in a product stewardship program, under a plan approved by CalRecycle. The Department will recommend a consumer product be included as a covered product, if the product has one or more of the following impacts:  1) it poses a significant threat to public health and safety when disposed; or 2) poses a threat of increased greenhouse gas emissions;  and or 3) imposes significant end-of-life management costs on state or local government.

Position and Status. CAW Supports. AB 2139 died on the Assembly floor 30-31 vote. Previously, it passed Assembly Environmental Safety & Toxic Materials Com 4/13 and Natural Resources Committee on 4/19. AB 2139 passed out of Asm Appropriations.

Description. Requires producer of a covered product to collect the covered product pursuant to the product stewardship plan and to meet the performance goals included in the product stewardship plan. There is a sales prohibition on products made from non-conforming producers.

CAW Staff Contacts.

Teresa Bui (916) 443-5422

Current Actions.

Assembly Member Chesbro
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814
fax: 916-319-2101

CA Resource Recovery Association
California Product Stewardship Council
Californians Against Waste
Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority
City of San Francisco
Del Norte County Solid Waste Management Authority
Humboldt County Waste Management Authority
League of California Cities
Marin Sanitary Services
Napa County

The California Healthcare Institute  
The Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers Association 
Consumer Specialty Products Association 
Soap and Detergent Association  
American Chemistry Council 
California Chamber of Commerce 
California Grocers Association 
California Manufacturers and Technology Association 
Grocery Manufacturers Association  
Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment 

Current Language, Analyses and Votes.

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