AB 1940 (Koretz, 2005-06) Marine Debris Task Force - Support

Summary. Creates a multiagency taskforce to formulate and implement a state plan addressing marine debris.

Status. AB 1940 was put on the Senate Appropriations Committee's suspense file in 2006.

Description. Existing law, the California Coastal Act of 1976, provides for the maintenance, enhancement, or restoration of the marine environment, where feasible. This bill would require the State Coastal Commission to convene a multiagency task force, consisting of specified representatives from various departments, to implement a plan of statewide marine debris reduction efforts.

CAW Staff Contact: Mark Murray

Current Actions.

Assembly Member Paul Koretz
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0042;

Sample Support Letter

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Supporters. Californians Against Waste
Sierra Club California
California Coastal Commission
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante

Opponents: Not Yet Registered

Current Language, Analyses and votes.