AB 1583 (Eggman) — The California Recycling Market Development Act
Overview: This bill establishes the California Recycling Market Development Act which seeks to update and revise gaps in existing California recycling policy, and seeks to balance California’s ambitious environmental goals with changing market realities.
CAW Position: Sponsor
Status: Signed by Governor
In Context: A combination of SB 1383’s 75% organic waste diversion goal and China’s National Sword policy has created an environment where both business and environmental advocates must work together to find comprehensive and long term solutions.
Bill Summary: Among other things, AB 1583:
Reauthorizes AB 199 (Eggman) Recycling Sales Tax Exemption, which sunsets in 2020.
Reauthorizes the Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ) Program, which sunsets in 2020
Establishes a “Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling” of private and public curbside recycling operators to identify uniform product design suggestions to facilitate compatibility with MRF’s and end markets, and to advise CalRecycle on the recyclability of products and packaging
Eliminates the requirement to have “chasing arrows” around Resin ID Codes (RIC), thereby reducing consumer confusion about what is recyclable.
Current language, analysis, and votes
Californians Against Waste (co-sponsor)
Republic Services (co-sponsor)
California State Association of Counties
Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas
Rural County Representatives of California
City of Huntington Beach
CAW Staff Contact: Nick Lapis, Baani Behniwal, (916)443-5422