AB 1022 (Eggman, 2013-14) CRT Glass Market Development

Provide market-based incentive to in-state recyclers and manufacturers to utilize CRT glass in products. 

Position and Status.
CAW supports. AB 1022 was held on Suspense in Senate Appropriations and is no longer active.

New technology for television screens have taken over and demand for CRT devices has dropped dramatically. The end-use market for CRT Glass have dried up and many e-waste recyclers are stockpiling the CRT glass to unsafe levels.  The market incentive payments to recyclers will help offset cost of separating out lead from the CRT Glass while the manufacturer payments will incentivize manufacturers to use the cleaned CRT glass over other materials. 

TAKE ACTION! Send a support letter to your senator.

CAW Staff Contacts.
Teresa Bui (916) 443-5422

Californians Against Waste
California Association of Recycling Market Development Zones
Glass Packaging Institute
Natural Resources Defense Council
Sims Recycling Solutions  

Current Language, Analyses and votes.